State Security Brief


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Total number of incident for the current month in Sokoto is 8 while the number of security related incidents in Sokoto for 2024 is 48. 3 security related death were recorded this month. Number of affected victims are 8.

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Recorded Incidents For Sokoto September, 2024

ID State Name Location Risk Factor Risk Indicator Victim Death Actor Date It Occured More Details
1. Sokoto Tangaza Property Threats Fraud 0 Tuesday, September 17, 2024
2. Sokoto Bodinga Personal Threats LEA Brutality 0 Tuesday, September 17, 2024
3. Sokoto Sokoto South Violent Threats Armed Robbery 0 Bandits/UG Monday, September 9, 2024
4. Sokoto Tangaza Property Threats Fraud 1 0 Friday, September 6, 2024
5. Sokoto Sabon Birni Violent Threats Kidnapping 4 0 Bandits/UG Thursday, September 5, 2024
6. Sokoto Sabon Birni Violent Threats Homicide 1 1 Bandits/UG Thursday, September 5, 2024
7. Sokoto Isa Violent Threats Homicide 2 2 Bandits/UG Sunday, September 1, 2024
8. Sokoto Isa Personal Threats Firearms Trafficking 0 Bandits/UG Sunday, September 1, 2024

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The Safety And Security Of Your Business
Are Our Top Priority

You can also reach out to us for tailored security solutions and advice to tackle the following variable protection and security management challenges.

Site Security Review : Minimize risks and vulnerabilities, Security Plan Development : Enhance your business safety.

Background Screening : Safeguard from potential internal threats and toxic relationships. Security Staff Training : Elevate your team's performance and response.

Security Management : Streamlined protocols and efficient site security management with proprietary software.

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