Our Story

In the Face of Risks: Nigeria's Challenge

Amidst an increasingly volatile landscape, Nigeria grapples with its own set of challenges. Blessed with a bounty of natural resources such as petroleum, natural gas, tin, iron ore, coal, and arable land, the question is: How can we leverage this abundance in a way that ensures security and prosperity for all? Without utilizing our wealth for the benefit of our people, we are but a land of untapped potential.

Nigeria View

Our Mission

By harnessing our deep knowledge, proprietary databases, and security tools, our aim is to help organizations seemlessly traverse Nigeria;s challenging terrains. We offer unparalleled security intelligence, grounded in real-time data, to ensure everyone;s safety while journeying across Nigeria.

How We Got Started

Our founder, Olufemi Ajayi, grew increasingly perturbed by the glaring security lapses in Nigeria. Frustrated by the governmental and private sector’s piecemeal approach to these challenges, Olufemi sought the expertise of professionals equally passionate about fortifying Nigeria. Pooling resources and expertise with attorneys, auditors, and intelligence officers, a singular vision crystallized - to create a groundbreaking security firm, one that would not only promote but also redefine best security practices in Nigeria.

The Answer? Risk Control Services Nigeria

Risk Control Services Nigeria was established as a response to a traditional, narrow view of security, which was largely limited to guarding. Taking the lead, we initiated a strategy to roll out our services sequentially, beginning with an innovative background screening platform. By digitalizing records and establishing a rapid certificate verification portal, we set a new gold standard that gained traction with major corporations in Nigeria. Our offerings then expanded to cater to a diverse range of security requirements, including security consulting, corporate investigations, protective intelligence. We partnered with government in the establishment of our training academy - the Risk Control Academy, aimed at equipping the next generation of security professionals with skills in risk assessment, electronic security, and more.

Nigeria View

Our Assets

The Toolbox

  • BcOnline - Real-time online background screening portal.
  • NRI - Comprehensive intelligence tool for Nigeria-wide threat assessments.
  • RCA - State-of-the-art LMS for our Security Training Academy.
  • SAFEguarDD - Security management portal for automating security administrative tasks.

Tackling The Security Conundrum With Data

The security landscape, especially for foreign visitors, remained underserved. With understanding that security intelligence must be rooted in local, real-time knowledge, we launched the Nigeria Risk Index (NRI).

Developing the NRI was no small feat. We meticulously studied global models and zoned in on pivotal facets impacting travel safety within Nigeria. Our database, tracing back to 2018, offers six years of detailed security incidents data, allowing for robust trend analysis and predictions.

Key Features:

  • Daily updates from open sources, further authenticated by our investigative team.
  • The NRI offers users interactive charts and data exploration, enabling informed, proactive decisions.
  • Comprehensive state-wise security reports, offering nuanced insights into each region's security posture.

While we don't claim to have a panacea for all security challenges, our commitment is unwavering. Our team constantly refines our tools and intelligence, helping organizations navigate Nigeria's dynamic terrains with unmatched local expertise.

How do we live the lives we were meant to live in this world? By intelligently navigating the security dangers that surround us and reclaiming our power to live a more fulfilled life, which each human is deserving of.

Interested in learning more about how Risk Control Services can keep your business safe?

We can provide a Site Security Review to decrease the risk to your business, Develop a Security Plan to increase the safety of your business, and provide Protective Intelligence to guide business travel.

Meet The Team

Led by our visionary founder, Olufemi Ajayi, we're a dedicated ensemble driven by a shared purpose. Olufemi's own distress over Nigeria's security challenges sowed the seeds for Risk Control Services Nigeria. Assembled with professionals who share his ardor for safeguarding Nigeria's integrity, together, we're paving the way for a more secure tomorrow.

Mr Olufemi Ajayi's Picture

Olufemi Ajayi

Our Team Of Experts


Growing up in Nigeria was filled with lots of wild adventures of the kind most boys enjoy. Yet, as I grew, I became increasingly frustrated by the injustices I witnessed and the escalating vulnerabilities of Nigerians in the villages. I wanted to make a difference but felt helpless. It prompted me to embark on a career in protection and security.

I joined the elite government security service—the State Security Service (SSS)— in Nigeria as a mid-level officer right out of secondary school. I was trained by some of the best intelligence outfits in the world, including within the United States, and went on to head the Vetting Department in the Lagos Command of the Service. A highlight of my career with the SSS was receiving the Directors General award for distinguished service.

Faced with a moral choice some years later, I chose to voluntarily retire from the SSS in protest of the brutal operational antics of the then late General Sanni Abacha led military government. Nevertheless, my security career would rise to a new level with an invitation to head security from one of Nigeria’s foremost banks, Guaranty Trust Bank. It was there that I was introduced to business principles and acquired the spirit of excellence and ethics in business practice.

As the National Security Manager, I reorganised the bank's security systems, which successfully prevented any major criminal incidents common to others in the industry. With such successes, I knew I could expand on this to make a difference on a larger scale. Thus, the idea of Risk Control Nigeria was born.

My professional training includes a BA in Philosophy and Sociology and a master's in Industrial and Labour Relations. I'm a member of the American Society for Industrial Security (ASIS) and served as Treasurer of the Nigerian Chapter of the association from 2000 - 2002. Feeling the need for a deeper and coordinated focus on background screening in Nigeria, I became a founding member and Chairman of the Board of Trustees of Nigeria's Society for Professional Background Screeners (SPBS).

Our Team Of Experts


I must admit, I didn't expect that my actions as a kid would take me on a path to a career in security, but it did. I wasn’t the neighbourhood bully. I was the kid that defended others against the neighbourhood bully. I wanted to get better at protecting others, so I joined the army cadet unit in secondary school where my interest in security and protection grew. I rose through the ranks to head the army cadet unit in upper six (secondary school advanced level).

During those years, I was also Head of School (Senior Prefect) and a hockey co-captain.In the pursuit of my childhood interest in the security profession, it was a logical next step to become a Security Intelligence Officer in the Department of State Services (DSS) where I worked as a Desk Intelligence Officer and Operations Officer at the State Command and National HQ; that is until I was drawn to industrial security and went to work in the private sector six years later.

Mr Olugbenga Jegede's Picture

Olugbenga Jegede

I spent twenty-eight years serving in various capacities with Shell Petroleum Development Company Limited. As a Security Manager, my functions involved security and protection, government and community relations, and security in major projects. I have found my educational background to be instrumental in the success I’ve had over the years—BSc. (Hons) Economics and master’s in international law & Diplomacy. What I also bring to the security and protection table is my ASIS (American Society for Industrial Security) certification as a retired Certified Protection Professional (CPP).

My passion for security extended to my personal life. I served as the Chairman of the Security Committee at my church for six years. The only thing that equals my passion for security is my passion for golfing, which I enjoy doing a lot more since retiring in 2021. I was the Captain of the Rumuokwurusi Golf Club (RGC) in the Shell Residential Area, Port Harcourt from 2016 - 2017. My other hobbies include swimming and watching movies.

The Safety And Security Of Your Business
Are Our Top Priority

You can also reach out to us for tailored security solutions and advice to tackle the following variable protection and security management challenges.

Site Security Review : Minimize risks and vulnerabilities, Security Plan Development : Enhance your business safety.

Background Screening : Safeguard from potential internal threats and toxic relationships. Security Staff Training : Elevate your team's performance and response.

Security Management : Streamlined protocols and efficient site security management with proprietary software.

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